Pursuant to Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 7 series of 2020 promulgated on March 11, 2020, the Management adopted the following Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for workers in MRWD for the duration of the State of Public Health Emergency Pursuant to Proclamation No. 922:
- All persons entering the MRWD premises shall abide to the “No Thermal Scan and Sanitation: No Entry” administered by Security Guard/ assigned personnel.
- Strict adherence to social distancing (6 feet distance) within MRWD premises.
- Temporary suspension of Orientations until further notice. New Installation clients shall be given a copy of the MRWD policies which will be duly received.
- Entry on the Paslang Water Treatment Plant and other installations shall be limited for access unless duly authorized by the Water Resources Division Manager or Office of the General Manager.
- The Management will conduct a weekly general disinfection of the MRWD premises every Friday from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.